Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Whisk together and set aside
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Cream wet ingredients
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar, firmly packed
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla

Then stir in
3 cups oats (not instant)
1 1/2 cups raisins


Preheat oven to 175°.
Whisk dry ingredients; set aside.
Combine wet ingredients with a hand mixer on low.
To cream, increase speed to high and beat until fluffy and the color lightens.
Stir the flour mixture into the creamed mixture until no flour is visible.
(Over mixing develops the gluten, making a tough cookie.) Now add the oats and raisins; stir to incorporate.
Fill a #40 cookie scoop and press against side of bowl, pulling up to level dough (to measure 2 tablespoons of dough).
Drop 2-inches apart onto baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray.
Bake 11-13 minutes (on center rack), until golden, but still moist beneath cracks on top.
10 Remove from oven; let cookies sit on baking sheet for 2 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Make Instant Natural Energy Drink

Caffeinated tea is one of my favorite ways to get some energy, but 9 times out of 10 the whole process of brewing it, waiting for it to be ready (to be strong enough) and then adding ice to make it cold and sweetener to make it sweet just sounds like too much work, so I usually don't do it.

I recently discovered matcha green tea powder and it is awesome! There is no brewing, there is no waiting and if you do it just like I show below, it is a completely natural instant way to get some energy.  I have been drinking this throughout the day or right before I go for a run and I can tell a major difference as compared to when I drink coffee.  I don't feel jittery and cracked out of my mind. You coffee drinkers know what I am talking about.  I feel alert, focused and have a ton of energy to do whatever I need to do.

The benefits of matcha green tea powder:
  • Boosts metabolism and burns calories.
  • Does not raise insulin levels.  Being a type 1 diabetic I love this since coffee sometimes spikes my blood sugar for no reason at all. 
  • Fights against viruses and bacteria.
  • Enhances mood.
  • Has more antioxidants than blueberries or pomegranates.
  • Provides potent cancer fighting properties.
  • Helps to safely cleanse and detoxify the body.
  • I have personally noticed that it helps curb those annoying afternoon snack cravings. 
  • Does not raise blood pressure or heart rate.  
What you need:
  • An empty reusable water bottle.  *I used a glass bottle so you can actually see the green tea, but I usually put mine in a BPA free water bottle that I bring with me everywhere. 
  • Matcha green tea powder.  You can find this at most health food stores, specialty Asian markets and online here.
  • Liquid stevia.  Optional but I think it makes it taste amazing. 
  1. Fill your water bottle up to almost the very top.  
  2. Add 1/4 tsp of matcha powder for every 8-20 ounces of water.  Add a few drops of liquid stevia.
  3. Put the lid on and shake shake shake until everything has dissolved.  That's it! 
  4.  Enjoy :) 

So easy right?  All you do is add and shake!  This is my new favorite thing to drink for energy.  It tastes light, refreshing and has the perfect amount of sweetness without any unnecessary calories.
Recipe from here

Flatten The Tummy

For many women, getting bikini ready means tackling one dreaded area in particular — our tummies.
Most of us still think the best way to achieve a washboard stomach is by doing hundreds of sit-ups. Not so, says A-list trainer and body guru James Duigan.

James, who sculpts supermodels Elle Macpherson and Rosie Huntingdon-Whiteley among others, insists there is no ‘one size fits all’ method for getting a flat belly. Instead, he’s identified five key ‘tummy types,’ all of which require a different approach to achieve successful toning.

Once you figure out your tummy type (mine is the STRESS BELLY), you'll be on your way to getting the perfect midriff...


The spare tire: This is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate because it's caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough.


These people are likely to lead sedentary lives, perhaps with jobs that keep them desk-bound. They may also have an emotional attachment to sugary foods.

Luckily, this ‘spare tyre’ is one of the easiest tummy troubles to eliminate as, according to James, it’s caused by eating the wrong foods and not exercising enough.


If you exercise very little, eat lots of sugar and refined carbohydrates in products like biscuits, cakes and white bread, or rely on starchy carbs like pasta and rice, you you probably have an overweight tummy with accompanying fat on your legs and hips,’ says James.

  • Cut down on alcohol. ‘Alcohol is a fat bomb for the tummy — pure sugar which goes straight to your waist and stops you burning all other fat until the booze has been processed,’ says James. ‘Just a few glasses three to four times a week will lead to a “wine waist” — a thick midriff and pudgy tummy. ‘If you want to drink occasionally that’s fine, but the bottom line is that you have to cut back on booze to get a flat belly.’
  • Once you cut out alcohol for two weeks, it’s time to overhaul your diet. ‘In a nutshell, eat well and move more,’ says James. Avoid low-fat and so-called ‘diet’ snacks. ‘These pre-packaged products are often packed full of chemicals, refined sugar, salt and preservatives to give them flavor.
  • ‘Ditch calorie counting in favor of a healthy diet full of unprocessed fresh foods such as fish, eggs, organic meat and vegetables. ‘Start the day with eggs and smoked salmon, or even grilled chicken and vegetables, and snack on sliced lean meats. ‘And don’t be afraid of eating good fats, such as avocados, nuts and oily fish. These encourage your body to burn midriff fat, giving you a flat tummy.’
  • ‘Exercise is the key to helping this tummy type,’ says James. Simply going for a long walk, doing lunges, squats or dips at home or a yoga class will be beneficial. You don’t need a gym.


If you regularly reward yourself for a hard day with a piece of cake or deal with bad news with a biscuit, it’s important to remember that being beautiful is as much about how you feel as how you look. The starting point for any tummy transformation is feeling happy.


Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities
Stress tummy: These types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities.


Stressed-tummy types are typically over-achievers with perfectionist personalities. They are usually also susceptible to digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause bloating and make their tummies look far worse.

‘Stress tummies are easy to spot, as the weight is specific to the front of the midriff and the umbilical area,’ explains James. ‘When stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone which encourages the body to cling on to fat around the stomach.’

Stressed tummies will also be fairly hard to the touch, rather than wobbly.


It’s likely you skip meals, abuse your adrenal system with too much caffeine and grab junk food for convenience.

  • Get an early night. ‘Stressed women nearly always sleep badly, which disrupts the production of leptin, the hormone which helps regulate appetite and metabolism,’ James explains. ‘This is why we eat more when we are tired and crave fat-depositing sugary snacks for an instant energy boost.’
  • Combat exhaustion with a relaxation strategy of deep-breathing, meditation and long baths before bed to encourage a good night’s sleep and limit coffee consumption to no more than two cups a day.
  • Don’t go for the burn when exercising. ‘Excessive cardio which increases cortisol levels isn’t the answer,’ says James. ‘Instead, yoga, long walks and resistance work with weights is perfect for sculpting and building up strength while calming the system.’
  • Magnesium is a calming mineral to help soothe a stressed belly. James advises eating lots of magnesium-rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Stress-busting stretches and yoga poses at night time can help to lower cortisol levels, while chamomile teas or James’ own Bodyism Body Serenity supplement (bodyism.com) can also help the body unwind.


The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie
The little pooch: These women are likely to be busy mums or have demanding careers - hey may even be a gym junkie.


These women are likely to be busy moms or have demanding careers. ‘They may even be a gym junkie, but stuck in a workout-and-diet rut, perhaps always eating the same foods and doing the same routine at the gym, which keeps you slim but leaves you with a lower belly that spoils your silhouette,’ says James.


‘Doing excessive crunches and using gimmicky gym items such as ab-rollers can place a strain on the hip flexors and the lower back, causing the tummy muscles to protrude so your belly sticks out,’ says James.

  • Good nutrition and plenty of fiber are essential to improve digestive conditions such as inflammation, bloating and constipation, which can make a pooch tummy worse. Green leafy vegetables, oat bran and whole grains are good, natural sources of fiber.
  • Sit-ups done incorrectly increase your lower back curve and accentuate the ‘pouch’ effect. Swap sit-ups for planks. Do these by lying face down on a mat, resting on your forearms. Push off from the floor, rising onto your toes and elbows, so your body is parallel to the floor from your head to your heels. Start off doing ten seconds and build up to a whole minute.
  • It’s a common misconception that using weights bulks women up. In fact, the opposite is true. Using weights will burn serious amounts of fat in a short space of time, so try introducing circuits — repetitions of exercises like squats or lunges which work individual muscle sets.


Be kind to your tummy, reduce inflammation by drinking lots of water and eating easy-to-digest foods such as green vegetables and lighter proteins such as fish and chicken.

The Mummy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves
The Mommy tummy: Women with these bellies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves.


Women with these tummies have usually given birth in the past few years, and, being a typical mum, have little time for themselves. ‘After giving birth, the uterus drops and is much heavier than it was pre-pregnancy,’ says James. ‘It takes at least six weeks to return to its usual size, so don’t even think about trying to get a flat stomach until after then.

‘You need to re-train your pelvic floor and lower abs to increase blood flow and strengthen loose muscles.’


Rushing back to exercise too quickly. ‘I would suggest waiting around two to three months,’ says James. ‘Being stressed about getting rid of your baby weight will only make you cling onto it more. Give yourself a break!’

  • ‘Fish oil supplements turn on fat-burning hormones and turn off fat-storing hormones,’ says James. ‘Begin by taking three 1,000mg capsules a day with meals and build up to five. I’ve trained Elle Macpherson through two pregnancies and she takes these every day.’
  • Try to eat good fats — found in sources such as nuts, oils and olives — every day. ‘Not only do they help you burn fat and absorb vitamins from food effectively, they also help combat tiredness — a big help for tired moms,’ says James.
  • Gentle pelvic floor exercises (known as Kegels) act as a natural corset for the body to flatten your tummy from the inside out. Squeeze and clench your pelvic floor muscles 15-20 times, in five sessions a day.
  • Steer clear of sit-ups. ‘After giving birth, the linea alba muscles — which run down the mid-line of the abdomen — separate and you need to allow them to recover,’ says James. ‘Crunches are the worst thing you can do, as they will force these muscles farther apart. Instead, breathe deep into your tummy while on all fours, then slowly exhale while doing a pelvic floor exercise.’


Daytime naps (try putting up blackout blinds) and stretching before bed are important ways to restore sleep hormones and boost fat-burning.


Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion
Bloated tummies: These are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion.


Bloated tummies are often flat in the morning, but swell throughout the day with gas or indigestion. Bloating affects both slim and overweight women. It is almost always caused by food intolerances and allergies, or sluggish bowels as a result of a poor diet.


You eat the same foods and may have done so for a lifetime without realising you’re intolerant to them.

  • ‘The most common intolerances I see are wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals), alcohol, yeast (in muffins, beer and pastries) and processed dairy (cheese, milk, butter),’ says James. ‘Gluten in particular can inflame the bowel and make the stomach look bigger.
  • ‘Experiment to work out what bothers your belly as you know your body better than anyone else. Try eliminating key culprits such as gluten for two weeks to see if your bloating reduces, or worsens when you reintroduce foods. Focus on a diet with lots of fresh veg, meat, chicken and fish.’
  • Sluggish bowels are often a result of eating the wrong foods in the wrong way. Make breakfast your biggest meal, as this is when digestion is at its peak, and avoid eating late at night which leads to bloating. Chew food properly and drink plenty of water to keep the digestive system moving.
  • Bloating can be a sign of imbalanced gut flora. So to get your tummy really flat you need to repopulate it with friendly bacteria. Prebiotic and probiotic supplements are the simplest way. Natural sources include miso soup, sour cream and some fruit and veg including kale, garlic and onions. A healthy gut means a flat stomach.


Believe it or not, breathing can be the best thing you can do for this kind of tummy. Try this each morning: lay on your back, completely relaxed, and breathe deep into your tummy ten times. After eating, a walk will help the digestive process, too.

Article from here

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Recycle the Hazardous Material

 One of the ways we can reduce waste and live greener life is through recycling. We recycle plastic, metal and glass; however, many materials around us can be recycled and should be recycled. Among these materials, hazardous materials come on the top of the list.

Hazardous material pollute the water, air and the land, therefore, we should make it our priority to recycle them first and foremost. While looking through some pages related to early childhood, I ran into list of materials listed as hazardous and interesting enough, many of them were news to me too. Here is the list:

Combustible Items

  • Alcohols
  • Antifreeze Compounds
  • Camphor Oil
  • Disinfectants
  • Type Cleaners (fluids containing combustible materials, i.e. spot clothing cleaners, office machine liquid cleaners, etc.)
Corrosive Liquids
  • Acids, photographic, used in film developing
  • Etching Acid
  • Iron/Steel Rust Preventing Compounds

  • Muriatic Acid
  • Nitric Acid
  • Sulfuric Acid
  • Black Powder
  • Cigarette Loads
  • Dynamite, Plastic or any other similar explosive
  • Explosive Auto Alarms
  • Explosive Flash Bulbs
  • Fireworks
  • Small Arms Ammunition
  • Primers
  • Smokeless Powder
  • Souvenir Explosive Instruments of War
  • Spear Guns Having a Charged Head
  • Toy Propellant or Smoke Devices
  • Trick Matches
  • Trick Noise Makers
  • Adhesives (glues, cements, plastic)
  • Ammonia
  • Charcoal Briquettes
  • Cleaning Fluids
  • Compound 3 Weed Killers
  • Denatured Alcohol
  • Enamel
  • Gasoline
  • Hand Signal Flares
  • Kerosene
  • Lacquer
  • Leather Dressing or Bleach
  • Lighter Fluids (pocket, charcoal, camp, stove, lamp, or torch)
  • Liquors
  • Matches
  • Oil Stains for Wood
  • Paint, Flammable
  • Paint/Varnish Remover
  • Petroleum Products (kerosene, gasoline, oil)
  • Photographic Flash Bulbs/Lamps
  • Polishes, Liquid (metal, stove, furniture, wood)
  • Propane Tanks (nonpurged)
  • Propane or Other gas Used for Cooking or Heating Purposes
  • Shellac
  • Shoe Polish (liquid)
  • Solvents, Plastic
  • Stains
  • Turpentine
  • Varnish
  • Windshield Solvent
  • Wines
  • Wood Filler
Cases, Compressed
  • Engine, Starting Fluids
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Cases Used in Welding
  • Scuba Diving Tanks
  • Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Decorative Lamps
The list was taken from this site

Organic/Natural Lip Color

For those of you concerned about what chemicals we’re putting in and on our bodies, you can’t get more natural than this homemade berry lip stain! We love it because it adds the perfect “just-bitten” hint of color to fake that Snow White luscious lip! Here’s how to do it yourself:  

INGREDIENTS: 3 Blackberries (for their bright berry color), 1 Raspberry (for its feminine pink color), 3 Pomegranate Seeds (for their vibrant red color), 1/2 teaspoon edible oil (I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil), a small Bowl + Spoon (or mortar + pestle if you have them), Fork or Sifter to drain, small 5-gram Pot/Jar with screw top from any craft store

STEP 1: Mash the blackberries and raspberry in the bowl thoroughly with the back of your spoon.

STEP 2: Add the pomegranate juice into the mixture by individually squeezing them between your thumb and index fingers over the bowl.

STEP 3: Pour the olive oil into the bowl and stir everything together with your spoon.

STEP 4: Finish by draining the liquid from the mixture into your small portable jar.

For application, use your fingers, a lip brush or a Q-tip. It’ll only be good for a few days so refrigerate it for longevity. Have fun with it and even try different fruits (acai berries, cherries, etc)! You can play with the ratios of each fruit to customize your desired shade but you’ll get the most color payoff from the blackberries.

Recipe from here

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Shami Kabab



500 gms minced mutton/lamb
2 Eggs
1 meduim sized chopped Onion
2 green chilly chopped
100 gms chickpeas soaked overnight
10 cloves of garlic 
1 tsp cumin seed
4 Cardamoms
1 tsp ginger paste 
1 tsp coriander powder
Oil for frying the kabab

Boil minced meat in 3 cups of water and a teaspoon of salt till water is absorbed and meat is tender.
Grind the meat into a fine paste.
Take garlic, cumin seeds, cardamoms,  ginger, and soaked chickpeas and grind into a fine paste.
Mix both the pastes well.
Now mix well beaten eggs and prepare a uniform dough.
Add finely chopped green chillies and onion to dough and mix well.
Shape the dough into small round flattened patties or kababs.
Heat the oil and deep fry kababs till golden brown and serve hot with sauce or salad.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cloth Sanitary Towels

As I was growing up, my mom was a big fan of cloth sanitary towels and I on the other hand, hated the thought of cloth towels. Now I finally realized, it was not the towels themselves that made me sick to my stomach but rather the cleaning process.

Unfortunately, most of the time we are taught something which is beneficial but it could be more efficient if it were performed another way. 

Being a mother myself, I know I would prefer clothe pads for my girls once they grow up. They are better for health, it is economical and environmentally.

I have been going through different sites trying to find the easiest patterns and the best one is the following (in my mind):

I have made those simple tools I got at home: flannel cloth, thread and sew-on snaps. I have borrowed the pattern from this site.
There are some interesting designs and patterns on the internet, and I am sure every person can find what they are looking for.


Seems as we advance in technology, we realize that some of the basic aspects of life was much better in 'dark ages' than it is today. We had taken very important and beneficial stuff for granted. We have replaced our peace of mind with monetary benefits.

In our everyday life, we notice that we buy some items and at the end of the day we either do not need them or want them. We may know friends/relatives/neighbors who might have an item that we want/need and s/he may want what we have, so why not use this to the advantage of both sides and trade the items instead of letting them get dust on the shelf or go bad or be thrown away.

We save ourselves the heartache of losing an item which we spent the money and at the same time get an item that we actually need/want. Mother Earth happy, we happy, our pockets happy!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Green School

While I was looking online for some ideas, I ran into a site (http://www.greenschool.org/). I was amazed to find out that they teach children from an early age how to use natural resources.

The whole idea of such school is so amazing that makes me wonder how come there is not one in each country (of course it has to be designed so it works well in that environment).

Till the day we get a school(s) such as this in our society, we can teach our children at home the value of living green.

The first thing which comes to mind is, teaching our children how to grow vegetables in their own environment. Or for example, we teach our children to recycle. We can teach them by example, how to keep the environment clean. Pick the trash off the ground, instead of leaving it there until municipality workers come and pick it up and so on and so forth.

With small steps, we can all make a huge difference for the world and more importantly for our children as they are the future of this world.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Homemade Shampoo

Homemade Shampoo

Homemade Shampoo 
  • 13 cups water or tea
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 3 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1/4 cup castile soap
  • 30 drops essential oils (optional)
Add 13 cups of water to a large pot. In a seperate bowl mix together the remaining cup of cold water and cornstarch, whisk until no lumps remain. Pour cornstarch mixture into large pot with the water. Bring to a boil and whisk constantly for several minutes until slightly thickened. Remove from heat, whisk in baking soda (very slowly as it will boil over), xanthan gum and castile soap. Let cool completely, mix in essential oil.


Hardwood Floor Cleaner

Natural Hardwood Floor Natural Cleaner

Using professional products is an effective option for cleaning and maintaining surface-finished wood floors; but, it is possible to use a natural hardwood floor cleaner as well. A natural solution, made at home, is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and effective. While some substances can cause dullness, or eventually ruin the finish, a homemade recipe using warm water and essential oils will clean and disinfect, without harming the wood or surface.

Vinegar and Lemon for Cleaning Hardwood Flooring

A simple, natural, and effective homemade wood floor cleaner is made from diluting one half cup of vinegar in one gallon of warm water. With an excellent finish, a natural hardwood floor cleaner made with vinegar, or lemon juice, will probably be fine. Over time however, a highly acidic substance may have a negative effect. Acids can wear down the finish, causing a dull floor. Be careful when using this solution on surface-finished floors, and never use on wax hardwood floors. Always mop up any moisture after cleaning.

Oil as a Natural Hardwood Floor Cleaner

Olive oil or vegetable oil can also be used to clean and add luster to a hardwood floor. Either mix equal parts of olive oil and vinegar, or two parts oil to one part of lemon juice. Using a small amount, rub into the entire surface with a dry mop. When finished, go over the entire floor with a clean cloth. The negative of using oil is that over time it can build-up on the surface of the floor, making professional treatment more difficult. Also, be careful of a slippery, oily surface.

Essential Oil Homemade Wood Floor Cleaner

Using essential oils to make a homemade wood floor cleaner offers a natural, eco-friendly product, with no negative repercussions for long-term use. Essential oils are inherently antibacterial, and unlike vinegar, they smell beautifully. As they are highly concentrated, only use a very small amount. Eight to ten drops of essential oil is sufficient for one gallon of warm water. Lemon, eucalyptus, and lavender all work well as cleansing essential oils, although other kinds can be used.

Clean a floor with this natural solution with a damp mop, making sure no excess water is used. Buff the surface after cleaning to ensure there is no moisture remaining, and to enhance shine. To preserve hardwood, do this treatment after sweeping or vacuuming weekly, or every two weeks, depending on how much a floor is used.

Article from here

Dish Soap

Homemade Liquid Dish Soap

A natural, liquid homemade dish soap is easy to make with simple household ingredients!
Why make your own? Cheaper, less packaging waste and you’ll know exactly what it is made from. After all, you eat from your dishes!

Natural Dish Soap Recipe #1:
liquid Castile soap
2-5 drops essential oil of choice*
*Some essential oils options are lavender, lemon, cinnamon, clove, peppermint, tea tree, etc. This is optional and purely for scent – though all of these essential oils do also have anti-septic properties. Purchase a concentrated liquid castile soap which will be dilluted with water in equal parts.

Natural Dish Soap Recipe #2:
1/2 cup grated soap
3 cups hot water
2-5 drops essential oil of choice (optional)
Grate a bar of natural castile soap with a vegetable peeler and add to hot water (boil on stove if necessary) to dissolve.

Tough, Grease Cutting Dish Washing Recipe
1/2 bar shaved castile soap
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tablespoon washing soda
1 quart of hot water
The washing soda (sodium carbonate) makes this solution more caustic and helps to cut grease.

What, no suds?

None of these basic natural recipes will yield a sudsy soap. Why? Because suds aren’t necessary to clean anything. In fact, they actually make soap less effective because it becomes harder to rinse off from a surface. Suds in commercial soaps are from the surfectants that are added because consumers like suds. People think that suds = soap that works. Not true, don’t be duped by this! Not only are surfectants not necessary to clean, they are often nasty chemicals…sodium lauryl sulfate to name a common one.

The recipe is taken from here

Liquid Soap

Liquid Soap

 I do not want to restrict myself,  but rather find the most organic and natural type of soap you can find around you would be the safest choice for you. As we are trying to stay on the budget side as well as green, we do not want  to break the bank just to buy one bar of soap.

I found the original 'olive' soap in the last place I expected; oriental shop. I did know that I could buy it in our super organic stores, but each bar cost three times more than it costs at this oriental store. 

How to make
1. Grate 1 bar of castile bar soap into large container.
2. Add about 1.5 liters of hot water, stir well and cover.
3. Let sit 24 hours, stir some more and voila.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Baby Powder

Baby Powder at Home

The more I study into our everyday consumer products, the more I am convinced that I should make everything at home. Many of the products either have chemicals that I do not even know how to read the name (which tells me that they are made from other products and are synthetic) or has such chemicals which are very unhealthy.

When it comes to children's products, I have become even more sensitive. I do not even want many of the products around them, as I have seen it how much damage these chemicals have caused to my babies' skin.

So while searching, I found a very simple homemade recipe for baby powder (remember in many countries, baby powder contain talc which has been linked to some disease).

So here it is:

Step One: In a large Ziploc bag, combine together:
 - 1/2 cup arrowroot powder or potato starch (I had potato starch so it should work fine and if you do not have any of these you can always find corn starch at most grocery stores.)
 - 1/4 teaspoon lavender oil (or relaxing oil of your choice)

Step Two:  Work the oil through with your fingers.  Then, allow the bag to sit for 3-4 days so the oil can become distributed through the powder.  Voila.  Easy, all-natural baby powder.  And it works wonderfully.

Original recipe here